How to Edit/Update Health Settings
The Staff Web allows you to edit the health settings. It also allows you to edit the settings of Medical Declarations and Medical Records.
This article will help you to understand how to edit these settings.
Use Case
Say you want to edit Health settings, these settings allow you to edit/add medical records, Remarks, Vaccination Records, and all that stuff.
Let us see how we do it.
How to Access Other Settings
●Scroll down Sidebar access Settings > Health
●You land on the Overview page.
●Here you get to see the following Pages. Let us check them in detail.

●Page Bar: It displays the following pages. The settings you want to change/edit.
Medical Declarations: On this page, you can edit/add Medical Declaration and Remarks.
Medical Records: On this page, you can add or edit vaccination and other medical treatment records.
How to Edit/Update Declarations
You will land on the Medical Declarations Settings page. Here you will see the following features.

● Update Declaration: This button allows you to edit/update declarations.
In the Text, Bar writes down the updated statement Medical Declaration.
●Save: Press on Save Button to save the changes in the statement.
●Save Update Declaration Message: This button allows you to edit/update declaration messages.
In the Text, Bar writes down the updated statement Medical Declaration Messages.
●Save: Press on Save Button to save the changes in the statement.
●Entries: Here you can select the number of entries you want to show on one page.
●Search Bar: Here you can search for specific Health Declarations.
●Edit Button: This button allows you to edit Health Declaration in the list. By clicking on this icon a form will Pop-Up.

●Title: In this text bar you will write an updated title of the Health Declaration you want to update.
●Label: In this text bar you will write an updated title of the Health Declaration.
●Update Button: It will allow you to update the Health Declaration in the list.
●Cancel: This will discard the form.
●Page Carousel: Helps to display the number of pages for the total number of Health Declarations it holds.
How to Edit/Add Remarks
At Bottom Left, you will see a section on Remarks. Here you can edit/add remarks.

● Create Button: This button allows you to create new Remarks

●Title: In this text bar you will write the title of the remark you want to add.
●Create Button: It will allow you to add remarks to the list.
●Cancel: This will discard the form.
●Edit Button: This button allows you to edit/update Remarks in the list.

●Title: In this text bar you will write the updated title of the remark you want to update.
●Update Button: It will allow you to update remarks in the list.
●Cancel: This will discard the form.
●Delete Button: This button allows you to delete a remark from the list.
●Page Carousel: Helps to display the number of pages for the total number of remarks it holds.
How to Edit/Add Medical Records
At Bottom Right, you will see a section on Medical Records. Here you can edit/add Medical Records.

● Create Button: This button allows you to create a new Medical Record.

●Title: In this text bar you will write the title of the medical record you want to add.
●Create Button: It will allow you to add medical records to the list.
●Cancel: This will discard the form.
●Edit Button: This button allows you to edit/update Medical Records in the list.

●Title: In this text bar you will write the updated title of the medical record you want to update.
●Update Button: It will allow you to update medical records in the list.
●Cancel: This will discard the form.
●Delete Button: This button allows you to delete a medical record from the list.
●Page Carousel: Helps to display the number of pages for the total number of Medical Records it holds.
How to Edit/Add Vaccination Records
Select Medical Records Page here on the left you will see the Vaccination Section.

● Create Button: This button allows you to create a new Vaccination Reason.
●Title: In this text bar you will write the title of the vaccination you want to add.
●Create Button: It will allow you to add vaccination to the list.
●Cancel: This will discard the form.
●Edit Button: This button allows you to edit/update Vaccination in the list.

●Title: In this text bar you will write the updated title of the Vaccination you want to update.
●Update Button: It will allow you to update Vaccination in the list.
●Cancel: This will discard the form.
●Delete Button: This button allows you to delete a Vaccination record from the list.
●Page Carousel: Helps to display the number of pages for the total number of Vaccinations it holds.
How to Edit/Add Other Medical Treatment Records
Select Medical Records Page here on the right you will see the Other Medical Treatment Section.

● Create Button: This button allows you to create a new Other Medical Treatment Reason.

●Title: In this text bar you will write the title of the Other Medical Treatment you want to add.
●Create Button: It will allow you to add Other Medical Treatment to the list.
●Cancel: This will discard the form.
●Edit Button: This button allows you to edit/update Other Medical Treatment in the list.

●Title: In this text bar you will write the updated title of the Other Medical Treatment you want to update.
●Update Button: It will allow you to update Other Medical Treatment in the list.
●Cancel: This will discard the form.
●Delete Button: This button allows you to delete an Other Medical Treatment record from the list.
●Page Carousel: Helps to display the number of pages for the total number of Other Medical Treatment Records it holds.