Documentation Manual
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Employees can ask for a favor by proceeding with different requests like a request for leave, advance salary, work from home, etc.


Use case:


If you are having a query and want to put a request for it. The Manage request section will help you to create a request and forward it to the concerned department.

Concentrate, on how to do this.

How to Access Request:


1. Firstly, go to Dashboard > Requests
2. You land on the requests overview page. Here you get to see the following features. Let us check them in detail.


Screenshot (25)



3. Show Entries: It helps you to see the total number of request entries you want to have on your overview page such as 10, 20, etc.


There are several types of requests shown on the Overview page such as:

Advance Salary
Leaves Encashment
Work from home


1. Request For leave:


Click on requests>Leaves
you land on Leave Requests Overview Page:

Screenshot (25)

                                      Figure02, Insight to leave requests


Overview page Task bar shows you the following elements:


Request ID: A unique number assigned to individuals applying for a request.
Employee: name of Employee who has requested.
Leave type: What is the reason for leaving?
Date of Request: on which date leave is requested.
Leave Start Date: when the leave started.
Leave End Date: when the leave ended.
Attachment: any file related to the leave request.
Total Leave Days: for how many days the leave has applied.
Status: Whether the leave has been approved, canceled, or pending.


Manage: you can edit your request from this bar.

